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City Climate Planner Program Launch of Training and Certification Scheme

Thursday, November 9, 2017
16:30 - 18:00
Cities and Region Pavilion, COP23
Bonn, Germany

The Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders is the premier gathering of local and regional governments at COP23. It is the jumping off point for key initiatives and partnerships that support implementation of the Paris Agreement, demonstrating that when cities, regions, businesses, communities and all levels of government join forces, it makes climate action stronger and more effective. This is critical in every part of the world, and particularly in climate vulnerable areas of the Global South and in small island developing nations.

At this event, the Green Business Certification Inc., World Resources Institute and ICLEI will introduce the City Climate Planner Program, discuss the Urban Greenhouse Gas Inventory Specialist certifications, the benefit of the certifications, training programs, and future certifications. They will also discuss the importance of measuring the GHG emissions and provide a brief introduction to the GPC and its global uptake.

See a map of the location and complete schedule